יוזמה - מרכז לידע ולמחקר בחינוך - Background materials
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Background materials

Materials available under "Background material" were commissioned by the Initiative and its committees and served as background for their work. Additional background materials were not translated into English and can be read only in the Hebrew version of the website.

On The Use of Educational Indicators in Policy - and Decision-Making: The GEMS Tests. Full report

Date posted: 01/10/2008
Author: Henry Braun
Consensus Committee: Education System Indicators

Science and technology education: Executive summary

Date posted: 03/08/2008
Author: Ruth Zuzovski, Rafi Nachmias
Consensus Committee: Education System Indicators

Teachers and teaching: Executive summary

Date posted: 01/05/2008
Author: Nahum Blas
Consensus Committee: Education System Indicators

Gifted students: Executive summary

Author: Inbal Shani
Consensus Committee: Education System Indicators